
Friday 22 March 2013

So this is Candace Lewis

And she is very obviously a fitness model and very obviously o.O gorgeous.

Pretty amazing right? Don't say that I do nothing for you ladies and gents.


  1. She's very PRETTY her parents had beaotiful Genes An a GOD given personality with that, I'm glad to be the first to appreciate this loverly art thank you for you...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Mistake was made in my last comment and I deleted it . I need to re-read before I make comment It started I (Did) nothing by me was done except say the wrong word.

  4. All these women are very Exceptional, I'm sure the got with good thing to present themselves to look the best they can for all to see. Maybe I just luck but nobody has seen these pics ever then I saying THANK YOU GOD
