Wednesday, 29 December 2010


I don't think I have mentioned the fact that we actually have followers on this blog but it is certainly something I am proud of. We have three followers! OK not a huge following but the longest journey begins with a single step. So for you followers out there consider this a HUGE THANK YOU, for investing enough time in the reading of this blog to register your interest.

So anyway on to this post and its subject, one young lady I dub simply the Aussie with the Abs. You may know her from Home and Away if you're from the UK or Oz or Blue Streak 2 and Step Up 3D. Yeah I know she is a celebrity but I will discuss that aspect later. What cannot be denied is her body and what she must endure to keep it like that. We all know that some celebs bulk up for roles and then let it slide but she just seems to stay this way. Anyway on to the pictures.

Thanks to IMDB for these pics that just show a hint of Sharni and that amazing body.

I hope you guys like this post as I am thinking of sprinkling in some more celebrities along with the girls I think we all prefer non celebs but variety is good and also helps to keep the blog supplied with content. Anyway I hope the holiday season finds you fine people well I'm sequestered in my place with a metaphorical pile of audiobooks to get through.

Monday, 27 December 2010

And we're back in 3-2-1... GO

Well I hope your holiday times were good and hopefully I find you well. I am sorry that we have been so quiet for the past few weeks. I was not sure where I was going with the blog and recent developments made me wonder if I should just knock this blog on the head and move on to greener pastures. I decided to keep going though as our little niche finding gorgeous hard bodied young women is extremely hard to find on the Internet especially without having to pay for the content.

So enough of me chatting about rubbish onto a couple of videos brought to us by the kind folks at YouTube which is probably the best place to find girls with abs but it can take awhile filtering out the crap.

Monday, 6 December 2010

A Dark Time for Our Blog and our partners

Unfortunately it has come to my attention that there are blogs out there directly stealing our content and passing it off as their own. I find this unacceptable, yeah it is easy to do but it is just as easy to say where something is coming from and help out a fellow hard working blog.  I'm not sure what the next step is, I don't want to head down the route of watermarking all the images we use because in my opinion that ruins the beauty of the women on show but I'll not work my ass off just for some loser out there to copy my work and grow rich off it.

For now the blog remains open but we shall see. Also if any of you fans out there see someone copying our content please drop a message either as a comment on this or e-mail I could really do with your help.

I also want to thank you the fans for your support of my blog it means a lot to me and keeps me coming back to supply you with the fittest and hottest ladies possible.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

That girl that has your tongue on the ground is Zuzana probably the fittest most gorgeous girl you are likely to lay your eyes on. Enough talking from me though I hardly to have to sell a body like hers. Enjoy

Sexy Female Abs


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